Our Mission

Within you is energy. Energy to heal, change your life, and be well. Our mission is to help you access this energy and realize how much influence tapping into it has on your health and well-being. 

Our journey begins with helping you experience the difference that connecting to this energy has on your health and well-being. After you experience how valuable this is, the next leg is helping you learn to live more “energy rich” in between Network sessions. By learning more energy rich ways of seeing the world and experiencing pain, change, emotions, and consciousness, you keep yourself immersed in this healing energy. 

I believe now, more than ever, being in the driver’s seat of your life is the key to a successful journey. Knowing how to use your body, breath, awareness, and attention to keep yourself energy rich is the strategy that puts you in charge of your health and life. 

Our Approach

Network Epienergetics Sessions create energy richness that helps you handle and recover from life’s stresses and traumas. This creates ease and alignment in your spine, reducing subluxation, pain, and associated health issues.

Network Epienergetics, also known as Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) or Network Chiropractic, is a science-based system that focuses on raising your energy state through gentle contact at specific points along the spine.

Our Network Center

Our center believes in a culture of people who embody Living Energy Rich and the impact it has on their health. We encourage you to share your energy and journey with others to help create the change you want to see in the world.

We are located in Upper Montclair, NJ, in a warm, sunny, bright space.

50 Upper Montclair Plaza
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Contact us below or send an email to info@johnandrewwittdc.com to plan your visit. We look forward to meeting you!