Ever wake up and have a low-energy day, where you’re dragging and just not feeling up to it? If you had a list of 10 things you absolutely had to do that day, you’d be overwhelmed before you even started and might not even want to get out of bed. The thought of the list you have to do and the possibility of not completing it would actually be painful.

Alternatively, if you woke up in a great mood with tons of energy, you would tackle the items on your list, looking forward to getting them done and out of the way. The important idea is that it’s the same list, just experienced differently depending on our energy state.

The Energy States (E-States)

The higher your energy state is, the healthier you will be, the looser and more aligned your spine will be, and the better you will feel on all levels.

Your spine’s condition is a reflection of your energy state or E-State.

Our E-State is chosen both consciously and unconsciously. We unconsciously choose our E-State based on conditioning from our past — traumas, upsets, beliefs, etc. Sometimes these patterns are so much a part of us that they seem to be who we are. As we progress in our healing journey, we will recognize this conditioning as patterns that we’re trying to break, release, and move past. We become aware that the patterns are holding us back from the life we seek and choosing our E-State for us. Our healing progress puts us in the driver’s seat of our lives as we choose our E-State.

The energy states apply to the different domains of our lives:

Throughout the day, we will experience different energy states depending on what domain of our life we are focusing on. For example, we might be energized and successful in our careers but fail in a relationship. The goal is to bring all aspects of our life into energy richness.

Read about the four E-States below to start your journey to Living Energy Rich.

Super Energy Rich

Super Energy Rich is about being. You naturally light others up with your presence and condition the energy fields with love, gratitude, grace, and faith. You reflect radiant health and well-being. Life just works, and we are at peace when we bring love to our family, friends, community, and humanity. 

energy rich

Energy Rich is about making progress and growing your personal level of “extraordinary.” When you’re energy rich, you seek the wisdom in life’s challenges and adversities as fuel for growth. You know there is more. There is a purpose you know you must fulfill; and although you may not be quite sure what this purpose is, you are willing to be uncomfortable to get there. Your health and well-being reflect this extraordinary energy state, and you are able to focus on living, rather than surviving, managing, or just getting by. Everything in life is an opportunity. Challenges, adversity, and breaking old patterns are all fuel for growth. All aspects of your life thrive when you are energy rich.

energy neutral

Energy Neutral is about the status quo. You want comfort and to keep things the same. You will expend a lot of time and energy trying to maintain the status quo so that pain doesn’t disrupt your day-to-day life.  You will find yourself trying to “manage” the four domains of your life to keep things the same and as comfortable as you can make them. This will be draining after a while and can make you feel exhausted and stressed by your efforts. If you recognize traits of energy neutral in your life, being in a higher energy state will feel like you’ve been liberated from a weight you’ve been dragging around. With more energy, you have what it takes to move through pain or something that is holding you back and get to the other side. This will create a big shift in your quality of life.

energy poor

Energy Poor is about survival mode. In this state, our life (health, business, relationship) is failing. You will find yourself “moving away” as much as possible from any pain in your life, whether physical, emotional, mental, or social. You may feel like you don’t even want to get out of bed and face the day. Pain and disease are common in this energy state. If you recognize your energy state as poor, you must raise your energy state. Your life may be depending on it.