The solution I offer to raise your energy state and create alignment is EpiEnergetics.
At our center, I work with the following Epienergetics tools to raise your energy state. Using EpiEnergetics, I have witnessed practice members transform their lives from just keeping their heads above water to experiencing a life that has depth, meaning, health, and peace.
1. Network Spinal
A Network Session is a wonderfully relaxing and empowering experience. Tension is released, energy is moved, the mind relaxes, and stress is relieved. Pain is often quickly eliminated as the spine aligns and the healing energy of the body is elevated. A session begins with you lying facedown, fully clothed, as I analyze your spine and your energetic systems. I find the most available, energy rich resource of energy that is consistent with your true nature. I then make contacts to your spine to access points that connect you to this energy rich resource. This connection causes a reorganization of your body and mind needed to liberate the bound energy, tension, and stuck emotions from your body. The release of the trapped emotional energy helps you to release tension from your back and neck, feel better, think clearer, and see yourself and your life in a new and inspiring way. The contacts made to your spine are gentle - never forceful or jarring.
2. Living Energy Rich/Wellness Education
We help you create new energy rich and empowered perspectives that fuel the changes we make with Network Spinal Analysis. Based on the findings from your Network sessions, our education is directed toward the energy rich consciousness that directly opposes the unproductive energy poor/neutral perceptions and behaviors that resulted from the bound energy of unresolved stress and trauma. The energy and emotion that are bound in our bodies are the invisible forces that shape our lives, hold us back, and lead to suffering. The changes that we can make with Network Spinal Analysis not only change your health and your life but also your destiny.
3. Somato Respiratory Integration
This breath/mind/body healing exercise enhances the energy rich consciousness identified during a session using Network Spinal Analysis. It is also a standalone exercise that you can use between sessions to enhance your progress.
Contact us to make an appointment for an EpiEnerergetic-Network Spinal session:
Change your energy state. Change your life.
Having a strategy to raise your energy state is the key to liberating the emotions and traumas that are bound in your body.
This occurs when we are internally strong, empowered, and energy rich enough to experience repressed emotions without being overwhelmed by the pain. The bound energy is then liberated for further resourcefulness and empowerment.
With this strategy, we can create a fuller, richer experience of our lives. The more empowered and energy rich we are, the more we are able to experience all aspects of life — stress, pain, adversity, hardships, and traumas — without getting overwhelmed and having to repress the offending energy.
The solution I offer to raise your energy state and create alignment is EpiEnergetics.
The following clip from Gaia’s movie E-Motion demonstrates how emotions are repressed and become bound in our bodies when we are overwhelmed by life's stresses. Being personally empowered is the strategy that keeps you from being overwhelmed when stress hits. Being able to handle stress allows you to experience life more fully and is the key to exceptional health.
Long Island Center
Massapequa, NY 11758
516 459-5726
50 Upper Montclair Plaza
Montclair, NJ 07043
973 226-0793